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The Future of Privatized Warfare

Delivering Tier One Outcomes and Solutions Since 2020.


We take pride in being founded and operated by seasoned professionals in the defense sector and in our international efforts to promote global security while advancing American interests worldwide. 

Asset Security Done Right

MantiCore International prides itself in delivering a robust security apparatus to a clients assets that has been developed over years of field work.

Military Grade Satellite Imagery

MantiCore has access to a wide range of military and civilian satellite networks to give our clients and operations teams the best intelligence possible.

Intelligence Gathering and Analysis

MantiCore was founded by global intelligence operatives and analysts we pride ourselves on delivering the best situation and informed decisions based on collected intelligence. 

Employment of Long Range Drones

MantiCore operates a large fleet of TB2 Byraktar and Predator unarmed and armed drones in hotspots all over the world.

Quick Decision Making 

MantiCore centralized structure allows it to designate and eliminate hostile targets 15x faster the most modern military's. 

Military Humvee

We Take Pride in Our Numbers


Years of Experience


Business Partners




Countries World Wide

Our Partners


Creating Stability Across the World

MantiCore drives to help build a world that is safe from the clutches of communism, authoritative regimes and terrorism. 

Our large network of strategic partnerships has enabled MantiCore to expand at an enormous rate. Founded in 2020 we have seen year over year growth of greater than 400%

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